Select a family tree

About French Canadian names

Clark-Norris Family

Gallant-Arsenault Family

Hinkley-Hodsdon Family

Luther-Brown Family

A traditional family tree starts with a couple or individual, and traces their descendants forward in time. These trees work the other way: each traces one couple’s ancestry back in time, out to five generations.

Each couple on the tree has, or eventually will have, a family page that contains information about them. Click their names to see their page.

On a tree, where a couple is listed in italics, this means the author is not certain they are the parents of the person they are linked to.

On a family page, where a name is highlighted in red, it flags a direct ancestor of one or the other of the final couple. It is also a link to the named person’s family page.

Family pages provide lists of external links to source data. Some of the linked-to sites require a user account.

Names, places, and dates are accurate to the best of the author’s knowledge, but mistakes are inevitable in a data set of this size and this type. The author is grateful for additions and corrections.